Mary Beslagic Suspended over Mutual Fund Investments


Mary Beslagic (CRD# 5966835), formerly a broker registered with Edward Jones, recommended an inappropriate investment, according to an investor dispute and a regulatory sanction. MDF Law is investigating the former Manchester, Washington-based financial professional for similar conduct. If you have concerns about your accounts, call our law firm for a free and confidential consultation. This […]

Kimson Cao Fired by Edward Jones: Alleged Conflict of Interest


Kimson Cao (CRD# 4357783), a broker registered with San Blas Securities, failed to notify his former member firm of a client’s diminished capacity, according to allegations by that firm. MDF Law is investigating the Atlanta, Georgia-based financial professional for similar conduct. If you have concerns about your accounts, contact us for a free consultation.  More […]

Trey Trapp Allegedly Made Unauthorized Trades

wall street station

Trey Trapp (CRD# 6177720), a broker recently fired by Edward Jones, made unauthorized transactions, according to investor disputes. MDF Law is investigating the former Belden, Mississippi financial professional for similar conduct. If you have concerns about your investments, reach out to our office for a free consultation.  Details about the allegations against Mr. Trapp can […]

Investor Claims Jim Bowdish Allowed a Life Insurance Policy to Lapse

Estate agent broker reach contract form to client signing agreement

Jim Bowdish (CRD #: 3123554), a broker registered with Edward Jones in Raleigh, North Carolina, is involved in a second investor dispute, according to his BrokerCheck record, accessed on January 6, 2022. Details of the dispute are provided below. On December 15, 2020, investors alleged that Jim Bowdish failed to pay timely life insurance premiums, […]

Matthew Mierzycki Fired by Edward Jones


Matthew Mierzycki (CRD# 6102769) was recently fired by Edward Jones over alleged rule violations. According to his Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck report, accessed on December 8, 2021, Mr. Mierzycki has also has been involved in a customer complaint. Mierzycki Terminated Over Discretionary Trading Allegations In October 2021, Edward Jones terminated Matthew Mierzycki’s registration […]

Ronald Molo Refuses to Cooperate in Investigation Over Stolen Funds

A city crossing with a semaphore. Red light in semaphore

Ronald Molo (CRD# 4371241) has been suspended from acting as a broker in connection to alleged rule violations. According to his Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck report, last accessed on November 23, 2021, Mr. Molo was most recently registered with Edward Jones in Joliet, Illinois. FINRA: Ronald Molo Refused to Cooperate with Investigation In […]