ABCs of ACATs: Brokerage Account Transfers


Everything Investors Need to Know about Brokerage Account Transfers If you’re not happy with your broker, you shouldn’t let the fear of transferring your accounts stop you from changing brokerage firms through an ACAT. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has rules and regulations that both delivering and receiving firms must comply with […]

An Investor’s Guide to Wash Sale Rules and Tax Loss Harvesting

tax loss

  Do you know what a wash sale is?  How about tax loss harvesting?  If you’re an investor, you’ll want to learn and commit these terms to memory.  Why?  Because these terms can help you save significant money on your taxes.   No one likes losing investments, but it’s an unavoidable part of the wealth […]

Robinhood’s Historic $70 Million Fine: What Investors Need to Know

Secret Settlement

Robinhood Financial has been besieged with complaints about margin, options and failure to execute. These complaints come despite building a multibillion-dollar brand on the promise to “democratize” and “demystify” investing. While striving to help people succeed is an admirable idea, recent events have suggested the reality of the situation is quite different. On June 30, […]

Don’t Get Short Circuited By a Trading Halts

securities fraud warning signs

  As an investor, you’ve likely grown accustomed to dealing with periods of volatility.  However, the pandemic and other recent events have created even higher levels of uncertainty for market participants, especially in early 2020. Statistics show just how much more:  the March 2020 “Coronavirus Crash” broke all previous volatility records, when the S&P 500 […]

Horizon Private Equity: The Case for Individual FINRA Arbitrations

securities fraud warning signs

In August 2021, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a complaint and an emergency motion for an asset freeze against John Woods, Southport Capital and Horizon Private Equity Fund. In that complaint, the SEC alleged that John Woods and other employees at Southport Capital operated Horizon Private Equity as a ponzi scheme. The Court in […]