KB Diversified Healthcare Investors

Free Attorney Consultations for KB Diversified Healthcare Investors If you or someone you know lost money investing in KB Diversified Healthcare offerings, MDF Law wants to speak with you. KB Diversified Healthcare is the name given to several DSTs, or Delaware statutory trusts, offered by KB Exchange Trust. Our attorneys are investigating legal claims on […]
Don Kowalsky: Key Planning Rep Involved in REIT Complaint

Atlanta broker Don Kowalsky (CRD# 274546) is involved in a pending customer dispute alleging he recommended unsuitably risky investments. According to his Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck report, accessed on February 15, 2022, he is currently a representative of Key Planning. Customer: Unsuitable REIT Recommendation In December 2021 a customer alleged that Mr. Kowalsky […]
Denny Haywood: Investor Complaints Continue for Former Crown Capital Broker

Denny Haywood (CRD# 5850275) is embroiled in numerous pending or settled customer complaints alleging he recommended unsuitable non-traded real estate investment trusts and other products. According to his Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck report, accessed on February 9, 2022, he is currently registered as an investment adviser with PurePath Wealth Management in Land O’ […]
Is Highlands REIT Liquidating InvenTrust’s Properties?

Highlands REIT was created to dispose of non-core assets for InvenTrust and then pay off investors, according to an SEC filing by InvenTrust. Unfortunately, this may not be occurring based on SEC filings. Our firm is investigating this matter. If you lost money investing in Highlands REIT or InvenTrust, please call us at 800-767-8040 for […]
Did You Lose Money in NYC REIT?

Do You Have a Case? When New York City REIT was originally sold to investors it was marketed as a non-traded REIT. Many investors were falsely told by their financial advisors that NYC REIT was a safe alternative to the stock market. You may have a case if: You purchased NYC REIT as a non-traded […]