Keith Curtis Barred by FINRA: “Potential Conversion of Funds”

Keith Curtis (CRD# 4798755), formerly a broker registered with Aegis Capital, refused to cooperate with an investigation into whether he converted funds, according to an enforcement action. MDF Law is investigating the former Tampa, Florida-based financial professional for allegations of similar conduct. We encourage investors with concerns about their accounts to contact us for a free consultation.
To learn more about Mr. Curtis’s alleged rule violations, continue reading this post. The information herein is based on a January 2, 2024 examination of his BrokerCheck profile, a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority record.
FINRA Investigates, Bars Keith Curtis
FINRA sanctioned Mr. Curtis on November 16, 2023. According to a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent (# 2020068885901), he declined to appear for on-the-record testimony requested by FINRA. The regulatory body made the request in connection with an investigation into Mr. Curtis’s “potential conversion of funds.” He acknowledged in an email that he received it, the Letter states, but informed FINRA that he would “not appear for on-the-record testimony at any time.” Consequently, FINRA barred him from associating with any member firm in all capacities.
FINRA Prohibits Refusal to Cooperate with Investigations
Mr. Curtis’s alleged refusal to appear for testimony violated multiple FINRA rules, according to the AWC Letter:
- FINRA Rule 8210, which grants FINRA the right to require any person under its jurisdiction to appear for testimony “with respect to any matter involved in the investigation, complaint, examination or proceeding.” The rule also provides that no such person “shall fail to provide information or testimony . . . pursuant to this Rule.”
- FINRA Rule 2010, under which persons subject to FINRA’s jurisdiction must “observe high standards of commercial honor and just and equitable principles of trade in the conduct of their business.” Violations of Rule 8210 are also violations of Rule 2010.
Pending Charge Alleges Larceny Grand Theft
The AWC Letter concerning Mr. Curtis does not offer any details regarding his alleged conversion of funds. However, his BrokerCheck profile also contains a disclosure regarding a criminal charge against him. Filed on October 21, 2020, the disclosure states that he was charged with “Larceny Grand Theft 10k less than 20k” in Sarasota County, Florida. He entered a plea of not guilty to the charge, which remains pending.
FINRA: Curtis Last based in Sarasota, Florida
Keith Curtis launched his career as a broker in 2004. That year, he registered with Thrivent Investment Management in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He left Thrivent in 2005 for Morgan Stanley DW in Sarasota, Florida, where he remained until 2007. Over the subsequent years, he worked at firms including Gunnallen Financial and JHS Capital Advisors. He joined his most recent member firm, Aegis Capital, in 2015, working out of the Sarasota office until January 2022. With 17 years of experience as a broker, he has completed one state securities law exam, four general industry/products exams, and one principal/supervisory exam.
Keith Curtis Complaints? Contact MDF Law
Are you a former customer of Keith Curtis with concerns about your accounts? You may have recovery options. Call MDF Law if your broker did not fully disclose the risks of certain products, recommended unsuitable securities, misappropriated funds, or engaged in other forms of misconduct. Our clients only pay a fee if they win their case, and our attorneys offer free consultations nationwide. Your time to file a claim may be limited, so we encourage you to avoid delay. Call 800-767-8040 today.