Tashari Financial Group Enters Order With Kentucky

by Admin Istrator | November 24, 2021 5:22 pm

Tashari Berry (CRD 6025889) and Tashari Financial Group have entered into a consent order with the State of Kentucy. In Kentucky, the Department of Financial Institutions has jurisdiction to enforce the Securities Act of Kentucy. Here is a copy of the order with Tashari Financial Group:

  1. Tashari-Lee-Berry-and-Tashari-Financial-Group-LLC-2020AH00029: https://mdf-law.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Tashari-Lee-Berry-and-Tashari-Financial-Group-LLC-2020AH00029.pdf
  2. Download: https://mdf-law.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Tashari-Lee-Berry-and-Tashari-Financial-Group-LLC-2020AH00029.pdf

Source URL: https://mdf-law.com/tashari-berry/