by Admin Istrator | December 17, 2021 3:24 pm
Our law office is investigating arbitration cases against the financial advisors who marketed deeproot Funds to investors. If you or someone you know invested in a deeproot fund, including 575 fund or dGRD, please call us at 800-767-8040 for a free and confidential consultation.
On August 20, 2021, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a lawsuit against Robert Mueller, deeproot Funds and Policy Services, Inc. In that lawsuit, the SEC alleged the deeproot was a complicated “ponzi-like[1]” scheme. The SEC also alleges that Robert Mueller was misappropriating money from deeproot to support his lavish personal lifestyle. Our law firm is interested in pursuing cases against the financial advisors that recommended the funds to investors.
Low. Deeproot funds filed for bankruptcy in early December 2021.
Unfortunately, also low. The government is alleging that Mueller used investor funds to pay for his children’s tuition, two of his weddings and a condo in Hawaii. When Robert Mueller was asked about personal expenditures during a Securities and Exchange Commission examination, he declined to answer, citing the fifth amendment. Mr. Mueller has not been charged with a crime and there has yet to be a finding of liability against him.
Investors may be able to pursue arbitration cases against the financial advisors[2] that marketed the funds. We believe the advisors who recommended deeproot funds failed to undertake reasonable due diligence into the offerings. Please contact us at 800-767-8040 and ask to speak with attorneys Marc Fitapelli or Jeffrey Saxon to discuss this matter further.
If you purchased membership interests in deeproot 575 Fund, LLC or deeproot Growth Runds Deep Fund (dGRD Fund) between September 2015 and February 2021, you may qualify for recovery. Please contact us[3] immediately to discuss this further. We will need to know the name of the advisor or salesperson who sold the investment to you.
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